所以佛比我決定去伊達羅莎逛一逛 和大家say hello 順便去看看剛上架的新品!>
沒想到一去 老闆娘 Mary 就熱情款待 讓我和Mago 吃了很開心的下午茶!哈哈哈!好感動哦!
感動到發瘋了…哈哈哈哈哈!( 是現泡咖啡和手工餅乾~Istarosa的每個人都非常賢慧
(後來Linda 還買奶油餅來給大家吃…整個就是一直被餵食啊…)
It's been raining crazily in Taipei.... I'm dying and drowning in this shitty weather. But beautiful things can always make me feel better, so I decided to visit Istarosa. Mary, the owner, treated us with coffee and handmade cookie!!!!! Hahahaha soooo nice. It is indeed a great start of my Saturday afternoon.
就算下雨 有自然光的地方 就覺得拍起來比較好看 ^^
I like to shoot with natural light. :)
轉載自 官網
( 吃完後) 就看到這個愛心型 粉紅色暖洋洋的耳罩~ 超暖和超口哀~好冬天哦 ~~~
Pink Pink Heart-like Earmuff, so warm, so lovely.
還有老虎紋的唷!!!! With Animal pattern.
黑白格髮箍 超級跳 讓你整個人都感覺淘氣了 科科 (還在喝!)
black and white hair band.
超級無敵奢華感耳環~ 很適合派對LOOK!
攝影師和我的合照 ^^ (攝影師腿不錯哦~討厭~)
My best friend/photographer and Me
梁山伯與祝英台… 哈哈哈哈哈哈
好美的蝴蝶唷 你們覺得呢?
How do you think about the butterfly rings? Aren't they stunning...???
超級巴西嘉年華 老闆娘的私藏 嘿嘿嘿
說實在的 這樣的戒指 真的是捨不得戴耶!
I think this is so carnival like! I wouldn't wear it if I had it....cuz it's tooooooo beautiful....
還有非常rock & roll 的 skeleton ring!
觸感非常柔軟 是兔毛~ 整個人都要溶化了~~~~~
哎唷 沒有拍到!我是白痴!
氣質項鍊 ^^ 誰最適合!(舉手!)
還有非常適合居家或是辦公室來自墨西哥陶藝品!哈哈哈 貓頭鷹實在太對我的味了!
They also have ornamentation from Mexico that you can put either in your house or office. They look fabulous!
裝酷一下 哈哈哈
有發現嗎 各位!這個包包 兩面材質不一樣哦!
Do you find out that the two sides of this bag are different!!! super cool, I like it.
硬是要在門口拍他個幾照才開心 哈哈哈哈哈哈
今天生意很好哦!大家都被溫暖的裝飾吸引 買完還可以抽聖誕小禮!!
A lot of clients today^^ so happy for them. How can you not be attracted by this lovely, exquisite store!?
看!是不是!好美唷! 我指店啦 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
from Kenneth Cole
順帶一提 Istarosa的風格 為什麼讓我愛不釋手
因為他們的款式 簡單大方又時尚
這是我在 Kenneth Cole 看到的Gift for Her 嘿嘿 誰要買來for me 啊?科科科
I know there are a bunch of accessory stores in Taipei but why do I like Istarosa so much? I have to say their jewelry and accessories are simple and elegant, sometimes bold and exaggerate, and it is indeed my style! And you can see their design is always at the top of the fashion choice. So I think I will continue loving it for a while. hahahaha :p
最後最後~ 店裡面的聖誕樹是給大家抽小禮的哦!獎品內容非常刺激!哈哈哈哈!
如果我有姐姐妹妹親朋好友 過年過節過生日不知該買什麼禮物的話
我自己都去Istarosa逛逛 一定會有意想不到的收獲 ^^
(而且價格也非常的有誠意 ((拭淚)))
呵呵呵害我也買了耳環要送遠在美國的朋友的媽媽 ^^哈哈哈哈 他媽媽一定會超喜歡!
If you or your friends are worried about don't know what to prepare for girlfriends, moms, sisters' gift, you might want to take a look in Istarosa. I’m sure you will find something really cool. ;) I even bought a pair of earrings for my American friend's mom, hahahah, I believe she'll like them.
放上連結 有興趣可以點去看看
Istarosa 伊達羅莎 官網 請點我 You are very welcome to take a look. :)
謝謝大家 喜翻的話請幫我推推唷
Love you all