
好的 今天就來瀏覽一下 順便介紹最近我愛的 黑色妝容
從妝容 到頭髮 再到 穿搭 都是黑色!

I want to share one of my favorite colors, black. From makeup, hair, clothes to accessories, I want to make it as black as possible. So here we go!

by Design scene
非常難過的是 我的眉毛沒有辦法這麼的濃密

除了種睫毛 還可以種眉毛嗎…真的很想耶…

所以我也還在想辦法 (聽說可以用舊的睫毛膏來當染眉膏下次來試試)

I am pretty sad that I can't make my eyebrows so dark and sexy. (I'm already tired of skinny eyebrows.) But I heard people said you can use your old mascara to dye your eyebrows, maybe I will try it next time.;)

就從黑髮開始!  前一陣子買的護髮產品: 帕瑪氏免沖洗髮膜

Start with my dark dark hair. I bought Palmer's Olive oil Formula a couple of weeks ago and it solves my dry hair problem gradually. Though I have seen a lot of girls said they feel disappointed after they tried, I don't think it's that bad.


好加在我買之前完全沒有做任何調查 而且  我覺得很好用!

因為我髮尾真的非常乾又可怕 所以它的油是我可以接受的!

有趣的地方是 正負評都有的產品才值得一試啊!

所有人都說好的東西 你買回來反而跟期待有落差

東西好不好用是因人而異 所以就是要給它試! 

而且用完手油油 又怎樣?多在頭髮上抹一下就不油了啊!

它的味道就是天然的橄欖味 我個人很喜歡


所以我覺得很兩極 因為它的味道本來就不是一般市面上的那種花香果香味啊~

非常的滋潤 冬天洗完頭吹乾後 抹一粒花生大小就可以了 用一陣子就覺得頭髮比較有光澤(雖然底下還是壞光光 因為我真的不想剪 = =)

其實我覺得我還滿省錢的 因為我不喜歡燙也不喜歡染 我就是喜歡天然這樣又黑又長 所以不用花太多錢去用我的頭髮 還滿開心的 

給大家看看 還沒畫眉毛跟畫了眉毛後的樣子~科科



These are two photos before eyebrow makeup and after.
Still, I am not satisfied with it. I want my eyebrows to be like Crayon ShinChan 蠟筆小新!

Before and After



我不是擦全黑的指甲油  我還沒有到那麼rocker的境界


雖然市面上有很多平價又好用的nail polish


For nail polish, I didn't choose total black, cuz it will be too rock & roll. Alternatively, I used dark cherry hue this time. I know there are so many cool and cheap brands out there, but sometimes you just need classic!love Chanel. 


她帶我到一間很棒的Cafe :上樓看看  

下次要去多拍一些照再跟大家介紹細節 這次真的是讀書報告 用不完了…

白天的妝容 眼線拉長了一些 因為我知道我晚上要出去玩 所以到時候 會比較好補 科科

耳環則是應景的小雪花  超愛的!

Today, Christina took me to 上樓看看 cafe to study and this is my look during the day. I intentionally make my eye makeup darker so at night I can adjust it faster. The snowflakes earrings are so freaking adorable! Perfect for December! ;)




它很特別 非常寬敞 舒適

This is a very special cafe. It is not that crowded like any other cafe in Taipei. They also prepare a corner to do some small concert or special event. The whole space offers a nice and cosy atmosphere. 

非常輕鬆 relax的沙發

點的香蕉蛋糕~ 很香很好吃~還有核果  給它 88分!
banana cake! Not bad!!!!


換好今晚的馬甲與黑色棉質A&F skinny



我房間是黃光…真的是…照不出來… cry cry 

After study, it's time to prepare the night event, which is drinking and clubbing of course. I need to drink and dance to release my weary thoughts from studying and writing papers. 

Haha, this is my first time write about makeup in English. I don't know where to start! LOL First of all, I already did my makeup for the day look, so now I just need to make it more exaggerated. That will be hotter for the night look.;) Before I make smoky eyes, I need to light up my eye-bones. I use bobbi brown eyeshadow to do that. 

不知道之前有沒有介紹過 Givenchy的煙燻眼影筆 這支非常可怕!



Then I use this super-black and thick Givenchy eye liner to draw a darker and more enhanced look on my eyes. 

於是我在用它補上更黑更粗的黑眼線後  就再用 黑眼影蓋它 才不會印到我的眼皮花掉!

After the extreme eye liner, I need to cover another layer on it by using black eye shadow so that can keep it cleaner instead of messing all over my eye lids. 



慢慢fade out

This time I want to wear a not so solid eye makeup. I want it to be a fade-out towards two sides. So you can see me doing this.

voila! 完成囉!



Istarosa 的項鍊 


如果喜翻請幫我推推一下囉 感謝!

So this is something apart from my school work I'm doing recently.
Please share with me your any tips of makeup or something else.

Hope you guys like it!

Love you all!

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