

沒有錯~今天就是要來跟大家分享 (再度) 科科 Humor Hunter 的穿搭囉!

(因為生理期來沒精神又化淡妝) 這次心裡暗自想雪恥…

我化了大濃妝說 哈哈哈哈 

 總之 這次讓我們來看看 還有哪些 好漂釀的outfit吧!GO!

I always have free reign to style myself by all of their pieces and accessories. 
Last time my pale makeup was being said as fox-eyes look, 
so this time I made a stronger look on my face, trying to look more fierce! hahaha, hope it works. 

噢! 在這之前我想說一下 我之所以會以HH來作為穿搭的主題

是因為我個人覺得他們的東西很有個人特色 又有一定的質感 完全不用擔心質感問題

而且數量非常非常非常的少 穿出去不用擔心會撞

有人跟我反應 有的衣服感覺就是要很瘦的人穿才好看

我不能昧著良心說: 不是這樣的

但我也不能很大言不慚的說:  丟係安按,嘿,哩貢耶某嗯丟

畢竟每個人每張臉蛋每條腿都是媽生的 生下來這樣就是這樣啊


我沒有捏捏 奶也是要硬擠 很多性感的衣服就不能穿 

我不高 所以 長洋裝穿起來都拖地 


不管妳是什麼身型的人  最重要的一點就是找出自己的身體的優點和缺點

所以 目前我就是以我的身體來當作示範穿搭 

如果有人有任何的問題 想要知道 像這樣的衣服 適不適合某種身型的人穿 

可以問我!!真的!!就留言問我吧!! 我一定會很真誠的問答~

或者是可以直接訊息店家 相信他們都會很NICE的解決大家的疑問

當然我曉得我不需要說這麼多  畢竟我也只是扮演分享的角色
但是我也想到那些 看完的人的心情 : 好看是好看  但 適合我嗎?

好啦 我就很G婆  我想要大家都受惠 

然而  我也很清楚  每個人的喜好與STYLE不同 

就很單純的 希望 大家會喜歡  也給予指教  這樣這樣~~~~~~

我想要越寫越好  (並且開始 用中英雙語來寫 BLOG 不然我好多朋友點進來都只能看圖…)

 於是我就會成為國際化的blogger.... (開始幻想…哈哈哈哈哈


The reason why I want to share Humor Hunter with you is because I really love their unique taste of choosing clothes, and the style they pursue. To each different style of accessories and clothes you can only find 1 to 3 pieces in the their store. I personally like this a lot, cuz I don't need to worry about I might wear something cheap while walking down the street and find out there's a cute girl wears the same thing as I do. 
However, I heard a lot of friends told me, not everyone can fit in the clothes you put on your blog (I am a little bit smaller, shorter and thinner than other girls) even though they all look fabulous. Yes, you are right, and I'm not going to lie just to sell you something (I'm not getting paid to do that anyway). 
 All I do here is to share and hopefully people will like things I share. Of course, we still need to dress up and be pretty right? So the most crucial thing that need to be aware when you dress yourself is the "proportion." I know my own body flaws, such as I am a small boobs girl so there are  a lot of sexy dresses I can't wear; I'm not tall, so there are also a lot of long beautiful dresses I can't wear. The point is to know your advantage and places of your body which you want them to look better. I'm sure it is not a problem for you to be chic and stylish. 

啊 不管啦 (兩巴掌 打醒自己 ) 

上次沒試穿夠  這次再多試幾套!

開始! Here We Go!

首先是這個 超級 rock and roll ( 這根本就是RollingStone嘛~)

殊不知最近ZARA 就正在打這款 類似的吐舌T哦 

 是紀念rollingstone 和Moves like a Jagger 裡面的那個Jagger!!! 

 所以你擁有的話 就是潮流了啊

Zara actually is presenting this kind of special T-shirt in remembrance of Mick Jagger, so it will be cool ( it's always cool) to have the tongue-shirt (hahaha) like this. ;)


雖然說夏天已經過去 現在應該是要勸敗 毛衣啊 針織啊 有的沒有的

可是像這樣的衣服 像現在的天氣 白天熱的 要死 外套裡面穿這樣就剛好~

最重要的是…搖滾精神永不褪流行! 衣櫃裡一定要有一件 ROCK & ROLLLLLL (嘶吼~~~~~~)

近照 網紗的部份 摸起來很舒服  不是市面上粗粗的捕魚網



我還真的沒有穿過這種鞋 感覺穿起來像木G 但是搭配起來 就像是個 搖滾女王

軟皮革很有質感 和鉚釘的存在  讓這雙鞋很酷炫

I don't really wear this in my daily life, but in the presentation of the whole outfit, I think these are very cool shoes with soft leather and good quality. 

接下來想介紹的是裡面這件 百搭螺紋長袖~ (顏色好美哦)

這件就非常 秋冬~ 單穿內搭都可以  很柔軟 也很保暖


This aqua blue long-sleeves easy fit top is soooooooooooo beautiful...I really love this color, and of course, they have moe colors to choose. :)

其實我覺得我外面搭的這件橫紋薄長衫很 好看…(可是我不曉得他們剩幾件…)

我自己也超想帶的…哈哈哈哈哈…先想一下好了 畢竟學生口袋不深~哈哈哈

別看它是橫條紋  它的開襟與擺幅  是有腰身的  讓你有腰身的!

而且完全拉高你的身型~嗚 呼呼呼呼

Of course 螺紋的腰身也少不了!


Including the white-gray outerwear, it can shows you your waist curve as well!!!!!!

這件 GAGA風(哈自己亂取的)洋裝  很有氣勢!

兩肩旁的G毛 還可拆卸 如果你今天不想太招搖

只是跟男友或是家人吃個飯  就可將G毛 取下 放入口袋

像這樣簡單的洋裝 搭一條項鍊就天下無敵了!

這件我覺得我穿還很鬆 所以這件很多人都可以穿!

I would say this is kind of a gaga style dress (fierce) haha, the shoulder design is stunning. It makes the dress more pop-out,  if you know what I mean, but if you don't want to look toooo outstanding...hahaha you can always tear them down. Btw, this dress is one size, and I think it's a little bit loose for me so I believe A LOT of girls can fit in without a doubt.;)


怎麼拿下來很像…捏捏罩…哈哈哈 沒有啦~

還有白色!(氣質款了我覺得  GAGA味 沒有那麼濃厚了 嘿嘿嘿)

Aaaaaand they have the white one.

還有這件 Made in Romania 南洋風大V領小洋裝

也是 秋冬了啦 ~ 怎麼會出現這個呢?

Well 如果平常很怕冷的話那就…別穿

但是…你如果去到一個室內要脫外套又很溫暖的地方  例如說 PARTY 還是 酒會 還是朋友聚會…(開始洗腦)

   我個人覺得 這件真的很美  而且 不管什麼季節  我一定都會穿~


This tropical-look dress is one of my favorite actually, simple and effective, just like me.

I know now it's fall and the winter is coming soon, but just put on a coat, how can you resist a beautiful dress like this?


它是前U 後V 的設計 我身高158 直接拿來當洋裝!非常有南洋風的感覺~~~~

有彈性 但我覺得我穿還是有一點點大 所以當然也是很適合更高挑的女生囉~


至於超級無敵爆好看的帽子…嘿嘿嘿  我自己其實差點把它帶走了…

但是想到如果我帶走了  無法讓其它人擁有 我就會很桑心 哈哈哈(怎麼可能)

只能說  我靜觀其變  沒有人愛上它  那我就要Take it home 了!

超級無敵歐美風格 復古女孩,精美厚羊毛帽  必備!

My lovely Paris-style woolen hat. Seriously...I hope no one will try to buy it...cuz I really want this... I want to take it home....


Black and white sweater with blouse design LOVE IT! It makes you look thinner and taller! Also keeps you warm la! hahahaha Very European fashion. 

短版一整個就很歐美!歐美到不行!太歐美了 受不了了…叫我歐小姐…

而且 束袖的設計很顯瘦 又很保暖哦  科科科科

灰色短靴和雷朋(他們家也有雷朋) 之外
身上所有東西 飾品、包包、衣服、褲子 都是他們HH的~

未完待續 嘿嘿嘿  請鎖定下一集 HH 特輯 有漂亮的毛衣~ 

What you can see on me are all basically from Humor Hunter, including clutch, bag, clothes, necklace, watch....except the gray boots and sunglasses. Don't forget to stay tuned to the sequel of Humor Hunter!!!!! 

Humor Hunter Facebook 官網
 Humor Hunter FB 粉絲團  你是第幾推!
將隨機抽三位幸運兒~可享HH 秋冬商品5 折優惠!



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