
HEY!! 大家好啊~ 上次要介紹的東西太多 所以剩下的就在這邊跟大家分享囉!

Hey everyone! Last time there are too many good stuff to share with you, so I make a sequence to show you more this time. :)

首先是奶茶色霧面平釦羽絨外套 + 
巴洛克花皮革蕾絲拼接背心 + 正韓進口的水洗牛仔褲

milktea color down-filled jacket + lace leather print tank top + jeans

像這樣的小背心 很有特色 是絕佳單品
雖然已經換季了 但是他們家的背心是一年四季都有在賣
我也覺得其實搭在裡面或是加件刷毛小背心 外面套一件很溫暖的外套 (如上圖) 在台灣的秋冬都還剛剛好~
這件背心還有其它的顏色都非常令人眩目 是那種一看到就會愛上的色彩~
這樣的圖騰 讓冷冷的冬天都暖了起來~ 

For a colorful tank top like this can bright up the gloomy winter and shines your personality. Thought this winter is coming, but I think in Taiwan's temperature you can just put on a very warm jacket outside and you will look fabulous. 


肩帶是真皮哦!而且蕾絲的柔和衝突了皮革的帥氣~ 一整個就很有設計感~ 


It is total conflicted design between the bond of leather and lace. A very strong impact for the very first impression, and that's why I like it so much. :)


哈哈 當然 如果有人覺得 唉呀背心是夏天嘛 

那就會跟著我的眼睛一同瞄到這件 美麗的針織毛衣

If someone still thinks that "oh, it's already winter, I want to see some sweaters." then you will follow me to this cute colorful knitwear sweater!

混彩紗寬版舒適毛衣 mixed color sweater

前後大U領 露出一點女孩的線條~科科~很美~完全很有女人味~

The U-neck design for both back and front shows a lil bit of sexiness, gorgeous!

哈 強大的背心 又出現了!
不用我多說 虎頭與動物風這季相當火熱 ↓~而且這件內搭真的很好看 


 Tiger is one of the top elements of this season, so if you are into animal patterns as well, then you will love this fit tank top with a fierce tiger head. haha. Also, the long cotton skirt makes you look slim and easy. ;) 
這天拍的時候天氣還滿熱的說 所以我就直接單穿了~
還有垂墮感細身棉長裙 非常修飾 而且質感佳 穿起來有飄飄然的纖瘦感~


一看到這件掛在櫥窗的最外面我就覺得他很美~有些衣服看起來還好 要穿了才知道

但是有的衣服你一看到你就知道 她的美就跟脆弱的天使的羽毛一樣 可遠觀而不能碰觸

這件復古時尚長版雕花背心洋裝 就是給我這樣的感覺~

薄紗的袖子 與精細的雕花  讓你不敢碰她  因為實在太有質感了
但是…嘿嘿…"我非得要試穿她" 的想法就也油然而生…

This white vintage embossed flower dress is stunning! My first impression is "OMG, this is so beautiful!" I didn't even dare to touch it cuz I was afraid I will break it like breaking an angel's wings. You can see it's very elegant and with good quality. However....hehehe I GOTTA TRY IT ON! that's the second thought that arose right away. hahaha




Here we can also take a look at the accessories that showed up in the recent outfit.
我很喜歡大大的飾品 因為我不是溫柔婉約型的 所以像這樣鮮明的個性飾品我就很推薦~


Lovely angel's wings ring ^^


Owl Necklace :)

Cool chain bracelet 


還有天然石的手環~ 復古的感覺和時尚的色調很絕配~

還有這件有人訊問的內搭褲~ 三角網紗狀剪栽 非常顯瘦~
The triangle cutting leggings are very easy to go with any kinds of tops you want to wear and also make you look skinnier. ;)

以上就是我整理的Humor Hunter穿搭記,希望大家喜歡~
這次的活動很簡單 只要去 Humor Hunter (請點我) 官網 說出通關密語: I love HH/phoebe

So I hope you guys like my two articles about Humor Hunter's outfit. You can get free charge of portage in merchandise at HH just to say: I love HH/phoebe on Humor Hunter Facebook page, and only till 11/31!

如果喜歡別忘了幫我推推哦 謝謝大家~
Love you all 

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