間隔 500萬年 再度打開盤絲洞,但這次,想跟我自己聊天,想跟這個十幾年後還決定用痞客邦寫部落格的自己聊聊。

想從我結婚了這件事開始說起,結婚快兩年,他是一位又帥又貼心的義大利人,而我們也在評估台灣和義大利的環境後帶著愛犬Forky回到義大利生活 (先不管義大利疫情最近又飆升)。當然,我絕對不是要閃出任何幸福的光芒,因為在那背後有太多太多的真實的問題是現在社群媒體看不到的。曾經(其實有時候現在還是會) 我也偷偷追求哀居上一起運動的couple、一起健身到super fit 的couple、一起拍好笑可愛影片的couple、很有默契一起搞笑的couple、一起出去旅遊拍出完美照片的couple、有一個超會煮菜兩個人的飲食習慣也非常相近的couple…列舉不完的…。


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分享一下CK impeccable表&隨性穿搭LOOK


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First of all, I would like to say that this is and this is not a cheesy, tacky romance talking about a man found a right woman and changed himself. So if you watch it in a way of wathcing a romance you will def find it boring and cliché. The whole movie is just too real that easily draws you to identify with the protagonists and pull you back and forth to yourself. Also because the material is too realistic, they use "surreal" "dreamy" actresses and actors to take you into the world of fantasy but not you(that's the reason why we need movies, cuz we all want to stay away from the reality). Otherwise, you will be feeling like watching a Taiwanese soap opera. And that's why I want to give my tributes to Scarlett Johansson and Joseph Gordon-Levitt. They did an amazing job, presenting the characters so well and proved they are not just being pretty. (I LOVE Scarlett!!!!)

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太常畫上揚的妖女眼線 想必大家都膩了

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相信有很多人跟我一樣不太喜歡喝茶飲 (偏偏台灣茶店一堆…)

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